Archive Mode. Call Artist & Selfie Painting Competition 2020 ended on 10/12/20, 5:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

When Everything Hurt

When Everything Hurt, Selfie of the Artist
When Everything Hurt
The last few months have been really hard in every way for me—foremost in my mind is the passing of my dear aunt, then physically I was sick for 8 weeks, grieved the loss of friendships and the general state of the world, including my beloved Spain. Grief upon grief. And I know that so many people have struggled deeply this year, so I know that my grief is shared, and yet each person’s pain is utterly personal and life-changing. And that when things are at their worst, I hope that you might feel buoyed up by peaceful waters.

Selfie of the Artist    12.5 x 13.75 x 0.25