Archive Mode. Call Artist & Selfie Painting Competition 2020 ended on 10/12/20, 5:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

The Tower

The Tower, Selfie of the Artist
The Tower
The Tower card in the Tarot usually refers to a period of violent upheaval and destruction of long established situations or structures. It is sudden and profound. The very foundation of our lives is shaken and shattered. We lose our sense of security and we are scared of the unknown.
My self portrait in the archetype of The Tower represents what we collectively are going through in year 2020.
However, when this Tower moment happens, let us remember that the upheaval and destruction can lead to the clearing away of old situations and structures that were holding us imprisoned. Furthermore, it can lead to freedom and liberation. From cleared grounds, new things can be rebuilt.

Selfie of the Artist    12 x 8 x 1